Sunday, October 12, 2014

Economics, or what's wrong with our societies . . . .

Check out this page where Cory Doctrow provides a review of Thomas Picketty's "Capital in the twentyfirst century".
Of note is the observation that despite the clear solution to the dramatically uneven distribution of wealth being to Tax the rich, no government is willing to do that.
I'm not going to go over every detail of it since I have not read the book myself but this does point out the simple fact of the situation we are all in : We don't get rid of the gangsters or try to attack them because after decades of caving in to their every whim, they are now preceived as too powerful.
What will come next? 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Leaders . . . . .

Have a read of this:
Being a psychopath looks like fun
Never mind the title, the content really hits on a big issue for the human race:
Our Leaders, and their mental state.
Never mind the definition of "Psychopath" for now, (or places like North Korea) just consider what it takes to get to the position of being in control of a country or corporation . . . . .
For me, there is a clear divide between self-interest alone and mutual interest.  Also, there is the matter of who loses out, a major issue that seems to be all too often ignored or not even considered.
. . . . but these things are just my personal views, right? I am not the "boss" of anything big. 
As we live in a world where more and more "wealth" is concentrated into the hands of fewer and fewer pointlessly wealthy people,  the lives of us "have-nots" will be more and more at the whim of a small cadre of people who did not even pretend to go through the motions of  qualifying for positions of power or responsibility.
You have been warned.

The Fear Merchants

Check this out.
Why you should visit a muslim country
I won't be leaving home any time soon but the truths expressed here deserve to be repeated.

Quote: (about Iran)
"Their government is a little unhinged. But would you want all Australians to be judged by ours?"

 What I find disturbing is that our government does not seem to represent the views of a majority of citizens: noone I know supports a number of recently introduced policies -  for that matter, whose views ARE they expressing?

I leave the answers up to you, dear reader.