People in Barcelona, Spain are marching in protest at the flood of tourists that are turning their city unlivable for them according to this article. This is not a unique thing either: as pointed out in the article, Venice is almost depopulated now: only tourists go there.
This looks to be disturbingly common - eventually every city with cheap, easy travel connecting it will get this surge of drunken backpackers, rubbernecked sightseers and cheap flophouse dwellers which will make a big mess. This is crazy. Another hopeess attempt to make business that depends on foreign money coming into the country supporting such "industries" as gambling and drinking . . . . leaving a big mess behind.
I agree that we all need jobs but this is not what I call a legitemate industry to keep a country going - not unless the country is something like a tiny pacific island that has no other industries.
Ah, but why worry? soon the housing bubble will burst and the waste matter will hit the ventilation device . . . . and maybe the Yanks will start World War Three. . . . . . but the Super- Rich will be fine in their secret hideout in the New Zealand Alps, far from nasty atomic fallout, secure in the knowledge that they have bought their immortality . . . . a bit like a very old telly show made in Enzed in the seventies, called "The Alpha plan".
They haven't figured on the locals though: once WW3 hits, tribes of big, muscular, really pissed off Maoris won't be stopped by electronic gadgets for long - they are a resourceful people, if it's Angry Maoris vs. technogeek billionnaires, I'm betting on the Maoris. ;)
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