Thursday, April 25, 2013

Where to find my art

For some time I have been working on a graphic novel (as yet unnamed) using a program called DAZ Studio.  This post is to point you to where you can see what has been done so far and invite comments and critique.
The work is in my gallery on Renderosity ( and you will need to create an idee and password to look at them. Once you are there and are registered, log in and go to "member search" and find me that way - my name there is Prof_Null.
Eventually this will be my retirement project : something for a "crazy old dude" to make pocket money out of . . . . . the reason it's pocket money is the time it takes to create even one scene - and don't get me started on the time it takes to create a model. I spent about 8 hours yesterday making a pallet to carry a robot on. The good part? you can use it anywhere after that. One of my freinds asked me last night why I didn't draw the comic, I guess he didn't get the idea of 3D models at first.

If you don't want to get another idee and password, here is one sample:

Have fun weekend!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Automated Stupidity

Today's news is full of the drop in the US stock markets caused by . . . . . .  a tweet.
This tweet caused automated algorithms running on stock trading systems to sell shares so efficiently they caused the stock markets to plunge.   Read more detail here

The financial vampires have not gone away folks, they won't until we get rid of them.
Sure, they lost a few members of their team but the rest are going great. The vampires have a lot of power in Washington so the pollies don't dare  attack them. If we had a non- money leader e.g. a King or Queen or something who could hit these monsters without fear we might actually be able to at least control them a little, but the whole idea of a monarchy or non-money leadership of countries has been given a bad name by that same bunch of vampires and their well-fed consorts.
Remember, "blood" is addictive. 
These bloated parasites who contribute nothing to our society since they don't produce, manufacture or even invest (?) in anything have now reached the amazing situation where they "must" use automated trading to compete against each other in the race to suck the financial world dry ( . . . . and thus ultimately destroy all those who actually work honest jobs to create the things we need to eat, wear and work with. ) 
Recently I have seen  it promoted that the answer is for everyone to become a vampire: "Sink your riches into the stockmarket, get your free money now !!" (Note the word "sink"!)

Personally, I find the whole thing hilarious, I'm laughing all the way to the graveyard.

The sooner we can get our real living needs and real budget away from these vampires the better: but then the whole thing will probably need to collapse completely first, and even when a new social order is created, you would probably need to threaten people with instant death to prevent some people scheming to get free money.
No, not everyone wants a free lunch, just the stupid and greedy ones. 
Just remember that parasites are not intelligent folks: You never saw a vampire buying sunscreen did you?

Friday, April 12, 2013

Diversity, huh?

According to this article from Wired, there may be something other than the oft- cliched "survival of the fittest" driving evolution. 
Don't be sucked in by the vampires who claim that "survival of the fittest" means they have a right to rip everyone else off either folks.

Everything's goin' south . . . . .

First, I must mention that I don't own a lot myself: no cars, houses or shares.  I don't really want any of that stuff either since it seems to me that most of it is as much a burden as it is a supposed source of money - I ascribe to the view that "There ain't no such thing as a free lunch" (or tanstaafl", usually attributed to Robert Heinlein).
To put it another way, we have a society where the obscenely rich have organised for themselves a money flow from everyone else and it has only got worse as things have failed due to this activity.

Read one article on the Beltway Vampires here or you can always catch up on the latest global news of the vampires from Max Keiser, who at least tries to make it entertaining. 

I have a problem with the whole "money market" thing: I just don't think it should happen at all.  Anything that can be gambled on becomes another "market" and this immediately leads to it being manipulated by big players who proceed to suck the market dry for no other reason than that they can.

This does not in any way excuse people from sitting around expecting "the government" to provide riches for them, please note: I am not happy about a shortage of jobs for people who want to trade their services fairly for a decent life.  Society is built from fair trading. Note the word "fair". Where does "speculation" come into that? Nope, it does not.